
Rakugo Dracula Bestmusiccollectionsbox [18cd+DVD]

Description: Rakugo Dracula Bestmusiccollectionsbox [18cd+DVD] Description*** Product Information *** Format: CD Number of Disks: 19 Package: BOX Release Date: March 24, 2010 Record Label: konami Product Number: GFCA-195 *** Work Information *** others Artist: SATOSHIYAMADA, Yoko Aramaki, Michiru Yamane *** Recorded content *** Introduction of product Numerous songs born from Konami's popular content "Akumajo Dracula" series have been captivating users for over 20 years. The best album that covers most songs in the "Kuju Castle Dracula" series, from the early days of about 20 years ago to the one as of 2010. (C) RS *** Product Introduction *** Number of configurations | 19 sheets Total recording time | 19:30:38 1. [CD] 1. UNDERGROUND (Naming BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Family Computer)) 2.PROLOGUE 3.Vampirekiller (Castle Infiltration BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Family Computer)) 4. Starker (Tower BGM) (Rakugo Dracula (Family Computer)) 5. WickedChild (outdoor BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Family Computer)) 6.Walkingontheedge (Underground BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Family Computer)) 7. Heartoffire (Dracula Castle Main Building BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (family computer)) 8.outoftime (clock tower BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Family Computer)) 9.NOTHINGTOLOSE (Final Stage BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Family Computer)) 10.PoisonMind (Boss BGM) (Family Computer (Family Computer)) 11.blacknight (Final Boss BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Family Computer)) 12. Voyager (Ending) (Kuju Castle Dracula (Family Computer)) 13.Prologue (Akumajo Dracula (MSX2)) 14.Vampirekiller 15.starker (Akumajo Dracula (MSX2)) 16. Wickedchild (Akumajo Dracula (MSX2)) 17.walkingontheedge (Koujo Dracula (MSX2)) 18. Heartoffire (Akumajo Dracula (MSX2)) 19.outOftime (Akumajo Dracula (MSX2)) 20.NothingTolose (Akumajo Dracula (MSX2)) 21.PoisonMind (Akumajo Dracula (MSX2)) 22.blacknight (Akumajo Dracula (MSX2)) 23.ENDING (Akumajo Dracula (MSX2)) 24. MessageOfdarkness (Naming BGM) (seal of Dracula II Curse) 25.withinthesecastlewalls (castle BGM) (seal of dracula II curse) 26.BloodyTears (Lunch Road BGM) (seal of Dracula II Curse) 27.TheSilenceOfthedaylight (day BGM) (seal of Dracula II Curse) 28.DwellingOfdoom (Hall BGM) (seal of Dracula II Curse) 29.MonsterDance (Night BGM) (seal of Dracula II Curse) 30.LastBoss (Final Boss BGM) (seal of Dracula II Curse) 31.Gameover (Game Over) (seal of Dracula II Curse) 32.Arequiem (Ending) (seal of Dracula II Curse) 33. Revival Dracula (Title Demonstration) (Akumajo Dracula (Arcade)) 34. Tragedy weddingmarch (demon castle dracula (arcade)) 35. The cross on the chest (graveyard BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (arcade)) 36. The resurrection of the devil (boss BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (arcade)) 37. Fighting again (Pattern Clear) (Devil Castle Dracula (arcade)) 38. The Devil's Laraby (Cave BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (arcade)) 39. I can't return anymore (intermediate demonstration) (Akumajo Dracula (arcade)) 40. Blood tears (IF "BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (arcade)) 41. Medley basement melody ("underground" BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (arcade))/Fear of the clock tower (clock tower BGM) (demon castle dracula (arcade)) 42. I can't wait until night (Bridge stage BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (arcade)) 43. Dracula room (first half of the final boss) (Akumajo Dracula (arcade)) 44. Last battle (second half of the final boss) (Akumajo Dracula (arcade)) 45. Ending / Demon Castle collapse (ending / demonstration) (Akumajo Dracula (arcade)) 46.NEVEREND (Game Over) (Akumajo Dracula (arcade)) 47. Larabi sent to the devils (ranking) (Akumajo Dracula (arcade)) 48.startBGM (Start BGM) (Dracula Legend) 49.battleoftheholly (Doracula Legend) 50.kill! Kill! Kill! (Stage 1-3 Common boss BGM) (Dracula legend) 51.StageClear (Stage Clear) (Dracula Legend) 52. Darkness (Doracula Legend) 53.Deathfair (Stage 3bgm) (Dracula Legend) 54.REVENGE (Stage 4bgm) (Dracula Legend) 55. EvilDevil (Final Boss BGM) (Dracula Legend) 56.GateTohell (BGM before the final boss) (Dracula legend) 57.Gameover (Gameover) (Dracula Legend) 58.Themefrom "THELEGENDOFDRACULA" (ending demo BGM) (Dracula Legend) 59.REPRISE (BGM after the ending demonstration) (Dracula Legend) 2. [CD] 1. Medley PRELUDE (Title Demo BGM)/EPITAPH (Password BGM) (Makasou Legend)/Prayer (Start Demonstration BGM) (Demon Castle Legend)/Beginning (Church, Town, Graveyard Stage) (Evil Castle) Legendary)/Bossfight (each boss BGM) (the legend of the Makoujo)/BlockClear (Pattern clear) 2. Medley DESTINY (branch BGM) (Makoto Legend)/CLOCKWORK (Clock Tower Stage) (Magical Castle Legend)/MADFOREST (Magical Castle Legend)/ANXIETY (Ghost Ship Stage) (Demon Castle Legend) 3. Medley RISING (Tower Stage) (Makoto Castle Legend)/Stream (Suidobashi Stage) (Legend of the Makoujo)/GAMEOVER (Game Over) (Demon Castle Legend) 4. Medley Aquarius (Submerged City Stage) (Legend of the Majin Castle)/PresSure (Escape in a submerged city) 5. Medley DEMONSEED (Dracula Castle Underground)/Dejavu-vampirekiller- (Dracula Castle Honquet) (Demon Castle Legend)/Riddle (Inside Dracula Castle) (Demon Castle Legend)/OVERTURE (Last Stage Boss) Demon Castle Legend)/BIGBATTLE (the last boss BGM) (Makoto Legend)/ALLCLEAR (All Pattern Clear) (Demon Castle Legend) 6. Good morning Dora -chan (Title -Opening) (Devil Castle Supposaboku Dracula -kun (family computer)) 7. Go -go (1st.bgm) at the castle (Demon Castle Supashiru Doracula -kun (family computer)) 8. On the hop step clouds (2st.bgm -roller coaster) (Devil Castle Supusher Dorakura -kun (family computer)) 9. Chachacha with water (3st.bgm) (Devil Castle Supashiru Doracula -kun (family computer)) 10. Slide, Itatata (4st.bgm) (Demon Castle Supposaboku Dracula -kun (family computer)) 11. Delon (5,8st.bgm -Subway) at Tiffany 12. Suchalaka Pyramid (6st.bgm -Boss BGM -Boss Out -Amidakuji -Sub -Game) (Devil Castle Supposuboku Dracula -kun (family computer)) 13. Oops! Dangerous (7st.bgm) (Devil Castle Supposaboku Dracula -kun (family computer)) 14. 15. Goodbye Dora -chan (GAMEOVER -Ending) (Devil Castle Supposaboku Dracula -kun (family computer)) 16. Pening (Opening BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 17.start (Start effect sound) (Dracula Legend II) 18.NewMessiah (Glass Castle) (Dracula Legend II) 19. Roadofenermy#1 (Boss BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 20.EVILGODS (Boss BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 21.StageCLEAR (Stage Clear) (Dracula Legend II) 22.Gameover (Gameover) (Dracula Legend II) 23.Ripeseeds (Plant Castle BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 24.PhyCowarror (Rock Castle BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 25.PRAYINGHANDS (Cloud Castle BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 26.ORIGINALSIN (Dracula Castle [A.S.] BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 27. Passpied (Dracula Castle [Latin half] BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 28.Soleiyu's Room (Soleil Room BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 29.chromatischephantasie (Soleil Boss BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 30.ROADOFENermy#2 (BGM before the final boss) (Dracula Legend II) 31.sonsofsatan (Final Boss BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 32.ALLCLEAR (All Stage Clear BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 33. UNION (Ending BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 34.TheeNDOFTHEDAY (Staff Roll BGM) (Dracula Legend II) 3. [CD] 1. Rubber Castle Dracula (Title Inclieding Password) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 2. Dracula theme (opening demonstration) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 3. Prologue (Stage 1-1bgm) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 4. Simon Belmont's theme (Stage 1-2 BGM) (Devil Castle Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 5. Demon Forest (Stage 2BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 6. Stone limestone -waterfall -submerged city (stage 3bgm) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 7. Karakurikan (Stage 4bgm) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 8. Boss's theme (boss 1bgm) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 9. Clear Stage (Stage Clear) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 10. Stage Map A (Stage Map A) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 11. Climbing (Stage 5bgm) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 12. Katsura Corridor -Ochigo (Stage 6 BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 13. Between the library / collection (stage 7bgm) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 14. Room (stage 8bgm) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 15. Stage Map B (Stage Map B) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 16. Between treasure (stage 9bgm) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 17. Boss theme 2 (boss 2BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 18. Stage Map C (Stage Map C) (Rakugo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 19.bloodyTears (Stage 10 Clock Burt BGM) (Devil Castle Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 20. Stage Map D (Stage Map D) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 21.Vampirekiller (Stage 10 Dracula Tower 1BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 22.Beginning (Stage 10 Dracula Tower 2BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 23. Aide room (stage 11bgm) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 24. Between Dracula (Final Stage BGM) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 25. Dracula's death (the theme of death) (the monster Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 26. Game over (game over) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 27. Hidden room (bonus BGM) (Koujo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 28. Ending Theme (Ending) (Akumajo Dracula (Super Nintendo)) 4. [CD] 1.Overture (Opening Richter's Theme) (Rongo Castle Dracula x Blood Rinney) 2. Tribe of Koukun (1st stage BGM) (Rubber of Blood) 3.Vampirekiller (2 stage surface BGM) (Rongo Castle Dracula x Blood Rinne) 4.CrossaFear (2 stage back BGM) (Rongo Castle Dracula x Blood Rinney) 5. Blood tears (3 -stage surface BGM) (Rube of Blood) 6.Cemetery (back of 3 stage background BGM) (Rongo Castle Dracula X Rinney) 7.Beginning (4 -stage surface BGM) (Rongo Castle Dracula x Blood Rinney) 8.Op.13 (Back of 5th Stage BGM) (Rongo Castle Dracula x Blood Rinney) 9. Pictures of ghost ships (5 stage surface BGM) (Rongo Castle Dracula x Blood Rinne) 10. 11. Nest (7 -stage BGM) (Rinney of Blood) 12. Genkai Ranbu (Boss's theme BGM) (Rongo Castle Dracula x Blood Rinney) 13. Fantastic dance (8 -stage Dracula theme) (Rongo Castle Dracula x Blood Rinne) 14. Marriage of Saint (Richter Ending BGM) (Rong Castle Dracula x Blood Rinney) 15.Marysamba (Maria Ending BGM) (Rongo Castle Dracula x Blood Rinne) 16. The cross is on the chest (unused) (Rinney of the Kenjo Dracula x Blood) 17.Thebeatinginthedarkness (Title BGM) (Vampire Killer) 18.AvisonofDarkSecrets (Opening Demonstration BGM) (Vampire Killer) 19.BondsofbraVemen (Player Select BGM) (Vampire Killer) 20.Arduousjourney (Map BGM) (Vampire Killer) 21.Reincarnatedsoul (Start Demonstration -1 Stage BGM / Former Dracula Castle) 22.TheSINKINGOLDSANCTUARY (2 Stage BGM / Greek Temple) (Vampire Killer) 23.TheDiscoloredWall (3 stage BGM / Pisa Tower) (Vampire Killer) 24.Beginning (Item BGM1 / Makusoujo Legend) (Vampire Killer) 25.BloodyTears (item BGM2 / Dracula II) (Vampire Killer) 26.Vampirekiller 27.AfterTheGoodFight (Game Over BGM) (Vampire Killer) 28.MysterOUSCURSE (Password BGM) (Vampire Killer) 29.Ilon-blueintension (4-stage BGM / German Steel Plant) (Vampire Killer) 30.ThePrayerofatragicqueeN (5 Stage BGM / Versailles Palace) (Vampire Killer) 31.CallingFromheaven (6 Stage BGM / New Dracula Castle) (Vampire Killer) 32. MessenGerFromdevil (Middle boss BGM) (Vampire Killer) 33.NothingTolose (BGM in front of the boss, from the demonjo Dracula) (Vampire Killer) 34.The6servantSofthedevil (Normal Boss BGM) (Vampire Killer) 35.ThemeofSimon (from the final boss BGM / SFC Demon Castle Dracula) (Vampire Killer) 36.Thevampire'sStomach (Final Boss BGM) (Vampire Killer) 37.stageClewitheredCrystal (Clear Demo -Pattern Clear BGM) 38.togetherForever (Ending Demonstration BGM) (Vampire Killer) 39.RequiemforThenamelesvictims (Staff Roll BGM) (Vampire Killer) 5. [CD] 1. Title (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 2. Game Select (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 3. Prologue (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 4.BLOODYTEARS (Stage 1BGM) (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 5. Castle (stage 2BGM) (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 6. Dark clock tower (stage 3bgm) (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 7. Trap room (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 8. Gate Keeper (Medium Boss Battle BGM) (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 9. Boss Battle (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 10. The top floor of the castle (stage 4bgm) (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 11. Between the castle owner (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 12. Alcard match (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 13. Underwater vein (stage 5bgm) (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 14. Silence prison (hidden stage BGM) (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 15. Dracula Castle Cathedral (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 16. Doracula Kanto (Kuju Castle Dracula Jet Black Prelude) 17.Vampirekiller (Last Battle BGM) (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 18. Ending (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 19. Epilogue (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 20. Unused songs (Akumajo Dracula jet black prelude) 21. Go -go (Devil Castle Supashiru Dorakura -kun (Game Boy)) 22. Okaru no Kibun (Devil Castle Supashiru Boku Dracula -kun (Game Boy)) 23. Picnic in the morning! 24. Ikeike Samba (Devil Castle Supushiru Dorakura -kun (Game Boy)) 25. Kaizo -Sengera (Devil Castle Supasheru Dorakura -kun (Game Boy)) 26. Oops, it's dangerous! 27. Over there !! 28. Tantan Tango (Devil Castle Supashiruboku Dracula -kun (Game Boy)) 29. 30. Makuro! Garamos (Devil Castle Supashiriboku Dracula -kun (Game Boy)) 31. 32. Kutabare! 33. Is it a messenger? 34. Janken bat (Devil Castle Supashiru -ko Dracula -kun (Game Boy)) 35. I am Yukari (Devil Castle Supposha Rakura -kun (Game Boy)) 36. 37. I'm a mochi mochi (Demon Castle Supposaboku Dracula -kun (Game Boy)) 38. Tang up together (Devil Castle Supusher Dracula -kun (Game Boy)) 39. Garamos is coming (Devil Castle Supashirin Dracula -kun (Game Boy)) 40. Bye -Dora -chan (Devil Castle Supushiru -kun Dracula -kun (Game Boy)) 6. [CD] 1. Correction No.1 (Makusai Dracula x Moon Night Song (PlayStation)) 2. Fantastic dance songs (Makusai Dracula x Moon) 3. Seeing of the month (Muja Castle Dracula x LadyStation (PlayStation)) 4. Prayer (Akumajo Dracula x Lady Series (PlayStation)) 5. Dracula Castle (Makusan Castle Dracula x Lady Song (PlayStation)) 6. Golden dance (Makusan Castle Dracula x Lady Song (PlayStation)) 7. Maishi corridor (PLAYSTATION) 8. Magic Tower (Makusai Dracula x Moon Night Song (PlayStation)) 9. Night song (Mujo Dracula X Moon Lady Song (PlayStation)) 10. Wooden sculpture partita (Mujo Dracula X Moon Night Song (PlayStation)) 11. The Holy Spirit's Door (Makusai Dracula x Lady Song (PlayStation)) 12. The festival of Shimobi (Kuju Castle Dracula X Moon) 13. The land of the end (Muja Castle Dracula x Moon) 14. The Demon Castle Dracula x Lady Series (PlayStation)) 15. Crystal drops (Makusan Castle Dracula x Lady Song (Playstation)) 16. Hometown (PLAYSTATION) 17. Rainbow Cemetery (PLAYSTATION) in the month 18. Silence (Muja Castle Dracula x Lady Series (PlayStation)) 19. Losted Aya paintings (Makusan Castle Dracula x Moon Night Song (PlayStation)) 20. Pearl dance song (PLAYSTATION) 21. Curse's sanctuary (Makusan Castle Dracula X Moon 22. Magical Feast (Makugi Dracula x Lady Song (PlayStation)) 23. Wandering soul (Akumajo Dracula x Moon) 24. Takamitako of the Falling (Makusan Castle Dracula x Moon) 25. Door to the abyss (PLAYSTATION) 26. Doors to heaven (Makusan Castle Dracula x Moon Night Song (PlayStation)) 27. Poetry of Death (Muja Castle Dracula x Moon) 28. Dog -shaped blood tribe (Makusai Dracula x Lady Song (PlayStation)) 29. Transformation No.2 (Muja Castle Dracula x Lady Song (PlayStation)) 30. Last song Tokkata (Muja Castle Dracula x Lady Song (PlayStation)) 31. Black Feast (Muja Castle Dracula x Lady Song (PlayStation)) 32. Transformation No.3 (PLAYSTATION) 33. Library Grandfather (Akumajo Dracula x Moon) 34.ExtraTrack (PlayStation) 35.beginning (Muja Castle Dracula X Moon Lady Song (Sega Saturn)) 36.BloodyTears (Konjo Dracula X Moon Night Song (Sega Saturn)) 7. [CD] 1. Opening-"Blood Cards' mark" (Rakugo Dracula Apocalypse) 2. Select (Rado Castle Dracula Apocalypse) 3. Prologue (Rakugo Dracula Apocalypse) 4. Dealing (Makusan Castle Dracula Apocalypse) 5. Invasion (Rakugo Dracula Apocalypse) 6. Watching Tower (Akumajo Draki)Shipping We only ship to the registered address in (Paypal / ebay). The item will be shipped from Japan.International Buyers - Please Note:Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.

Price: 152.27 USD

Location: Tokyo

End Time: 2024-05-05T11:32:44.000Z

Shipping Cost: N/A USD

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Rakugo Dracula Bestmusiccollectionsbox [18cd+DVD]

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Brand: Konami

Genre: Rock / Pop

Format: CD

Release Year: 2010

Record Label: Konami

Release Title: Rakugo Dracula Bestmusiccollectionsbo [18cd+DVD]

Artist: Game Music

Edition: Complete production limited edition


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